Door to Door Campaigning

Door to Door Campaigning

We conduct door to door survey with the help of our experienced Teams and our analysts analyse and verify their data with our digitalised tools and software before starting campaign. This strategy is followed in two steps: Before election and During election. Before the election we collect the data, we check and verify it, we aware the people for voter registration, we aware them about election, it’s importance and train them to vote with our various campaigns. In our second stage we again reach the people to encourage them to vote and find out the issues to create a better people centric agenda. Our teams reach people to spread awareness about these agendas with the help of various activities like street plays, drama, short films etc.

  • Pre-election campaign to collect data and spread awareness.
  • During elections campaigns to spread agenda and spread awareness about manifesto.
  • Use of popular activities like street plays, Dramas, Short Films, Night Chaupals etc.
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